
Private jet charter between Nice and Berlin

For the fastest and cheaper route between Nice and Berlin, charter a private jet with PJP.

Book a jet from Nice to Berlin

PJP, one of the fastest and budget-friendly aviation businesses, is now offering luxurious charter services between Nice to Berlin.You can now fly in a private jet from Nice to Berlin, book your tickets now from PJP. To book your private jet, contact us 7/7 24H/24 by email or phone.

The flight time varies depending upon the model of the airline and the total distance. For further details about charter trips and their schedule from Nice to Berlin, approach our dedicated PJP advisers. Charter flights are much affordable than buying your private jet, PJP allows you to fly anywhere in the largest city of Nice chattering a jet. Our expert team is ready to help you in choosing the suitable private jet depending upon the travel distance at competitive prices. So you can make your trip from Nice to Berlin in your favorite jet safely.

How much does it cost to charter a private jet from Nice to Berlin

A private jet flight between Nice and Berlin cost from 4000€/hour/seat in a Citation CJ2 Light Jet and 5000€/hour/seat Citation CJ4 Light Jet.

From To Aircraft Seat Cost (from)
Nice Berlin Phenom 100 4 4000€ / hour
Nice Berlin Citation CJ3 6 5000€ / hour
Nice Berlin Legacy 500 9 6500€ / hour
Nice Berlin Falcon 9000 12 7500€ / hour
private jet from nice
private jet to berlin

Are you looking for a budget-friendly and fastest jet for your private family flight or with a group of business partners? Look no further than PJP is one of the most popular private aviation company that proposes a charter flight to or from Nice at discounted rates. We understand how much it is important for a businessperson to reach his destination on time. PJP offers you a special luxury plane rental service in under 15 minutes, and at the finest cost with no delay.

How to choose your airport in Nice ?

With our flight search, you can search the flight rates and take-off and landing schedule. Or for personalized pricing and advice on private jet to or from Nice, contact our expert Team (24/7).

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